Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great international bookstores pics:

Selexyz Bookstore in Maastricht, Holland. The bookstore is installed in an old Dominican church.  Photography by madcrow

The coffee shop of the Selexyz Bookstore in Maastricht is settled in the altar of the church. Photography by edwin_wisse

Borderlands Science Fiction Bookstore in San Francisco is home to this hairless Sphynx cat.  
Photography by massdistraction

Shakespeare & Co. Antiquarian Books, Paris.  Probably the most photographed bookstore of the world. 
Photography by Simple Dolphin

 A view from inside the bookstore Shakespeare & Co in Paris. Photo by Toshio Kishiyama

On the third floor of the bookstore Shakespeare & Co. in Paris, you'll find this bed and the motice board behind. 
Photography by Glynnis Ritchie

The Art Nouveau facade of the Lello bookstore in Porto, Portugal. Photography by pedrosimoes7

The Lello bookstore in Porto, Portugal, is open since 1906 and is surely one of the most beautiful bookstores of the world. 
Photography by delviking

This is the entrance of the bookstore Le Bal des Ardents in Lyon, France
Photography by punkinmom_{caroline} and

As you know if you frequent this blog, we love great bookstores wherever we can find them. More examples from around the web will be posted soon. Please check back and thanks for supporting your local library or bookshop!

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