Saturday, April 18, 2009

Check out this Bookstore in the Netherlands!

Erected inside a former 800 year old Dominican church, this bookstore, Selexyz, is said to hold the largest stock of books in English in Maastricht, one of the oldest cities in the country.
Amsterdam based architects Merkx + Girod who designed the space, to stay true to the original character and charm of the church, whilst also achieving a desirable amount of commercial space. Taking advantage of the massive ceiling, both have been achieved through the construction of a multi-storey steel structure which houses the majority of the books. This is one giant bookshelf, with stairs and elevators taking shoppers and visitors alike, up to the heavens (mind the pun), to roof of the church.
To maintain a sense of symmetrical balance in the space, lower tables of best sellers and latest releases have been added to either side, and of course a small cafe at the back for readers to relax and enjoy a hot drink.

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